Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner
Mysteriöse Mumien

Do, 26.12.2024 | 01:45 - 02:25
Wissenschaft (USA 2021)
Im Jahr 1923 öffnet der Archäologe Howard Carter mit seinem Team die Grabstätte des altägyptischen Königs Tutanchamun und bestaunt die perfekt erhaltene Mumie und die beigelegten Schätze. Doch als insgesamt sieben Mitglieder des Archäologen-Teams nach der Öffnung unter seltsamen Umständen ums Leben kommen, wächst die Furcht vor einem grausamen Fluch.
- Tok Thompson (Self - Associate Professor of Anthropology, USC)
- Nicholas Brown (Self - Egyptologist)
- Ahmed Osman (Self - Egyptologist)
- Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
- Lynn Picknett (Self - Co-Author, The Forbidden Universe)
- Ken Jeremiah (Self - Eternal Remains)
- Dominic Steavu (Self - Associate Professor of Religious Studies UCSB)
- Nathan Orlowek (Self - John Wilkes Booth Historian)
- Mark Ebner (Self - Investigative Journalist)
- Elizabeth Harper (Self - Sacred Relics Researcher)
- Alexei Yurchak (Self - Prof. of Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
- Eric Hickey (Self - Prof. Forensic Psychologist, Walden University)
- Paul Stonehill (Self - Author, Paranormal Mysteries of Eurasia)
- Michio Kaku (Self - Author, The Future of the Mind)
- George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert 5th Earl of Carnarvon (Self - Archaeologist)
- Finis L. Bates (Self - Author of The Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth)
- John Wilkes Booth (Self - Assassin)
- Howard Carter (Self - Archaeologist)
- David George (Self - Body was Mummified)
- Andrew Johnson (Self - 17th President of the United States)
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Self - Russian Revolutionary)
- Abraham Lincoln (Self - 16th President of the United States)
- St. Bernadette of Lourdes (Self - 19th Century French Saint)
- Anatoly Moskvin (Self - Collector of Mummified Young Girls)
- Archibald Douglas Reid (Self - Radiologist)
- John St. Helen (Self - Claimed to be John Wilkes Booth)
- Joseph Stalin (Self - Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)
- FSK 12