USA Top Secret: Operation Gehirnwäsche
Operation Gehirnwäsche

Do, 06.03.2025 | 22:05 - 23:05
Geschichte (USA 2021)
Geheime Programme zur Gedankenkontrolle – seit Jahrzehnten ein Thema, das Verschwörungen und Spekulationen befeuert. Diese Dokumentation geht der Frage nach, welche Rolle Regierungen und große Konzerne spielen, wenn es um das Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle geht. Wird an mächtigen Techniken geforscht, die unbemerkt und zielgerichtet unser Leben beeinflussen? Und wenn ja: wie können wir uns davor schützen?
- Nick Begich (Author, Controlling the Human Mind)
- Travis Taylor (Self - Astrophysicist)
- Prince Ghuman (Self - Author, Blightsight)
- Judy Ho (Self - Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist)
- Travis Trammell (Self - U.S. Army, LTC)
- Michał Kosiński (Self - Psychometrics & Social Psychology)
- Michael Belfiore (Self - Author, The Department of Mad Scientists)
- Matt Johnson (Self - Cognitive Psychology)
- Axel Balthazar (Self - Author, Project MK-Ultra and Mind Control Technology)
- Colin A. Ross (Self - Author, The CIA Doctor)
- James Fallon (Self - Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology)
- James Dryden (Self - Arrested for Plot Against HAARP Facility in Alaska)
- George H. Estabrooks (Self - Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University)
- Richard Helms (Self - Former CIA Director)
- Saddam Hussein (Self - Former Dictator of Iraq)
- Robert F. Kennedy (Self - Democratic Presidential Candidate)
- Michael Mancil (Self - Arrested for Plot Against HAARP Facility in Alaska)
- Vance Packard (Self - Author, The Hidden Persuaders)
- Mike Pompeo (Self - Former U.S. Secretary of State)
- Sirhan Sirhan (Self - Robert Kennedy's Assassin)
- Rex Tillerson (Self - Former U.S. Secretary of State)
- FSK 12